I recently contracted a company to build a house for me and my family to live in. We left the basement unfinished to try to save some money. I thought, it was too expensive to finish and how hard could it be to hammer some nails and throw some sheetrock up. I was...
Before After People make a judgement on your website in approximately 50 milliseconds. Therefore, having a website that looks unprofessional or incomplete can actually be as bad as having no website at all. A company’s website is it’s brand and identity....
The amount that a website increases sales depends on the type of business you have, however, your sales will certainly increase by having a well designed website. The reasons that your sales will increase are: Improves business credibility: In 2015 a survey showed...
DIGITAL MARKETING: WHAT IT ENTAILS Maybe you have heard one of those big business bosses talking about Digital Marketing. Maybe you have no idea what it’s about. Digital marketing is used in branding to enhance our day to day life. Digital marketing is the...
GENERATING A COMPANY BRAND The word brand in today’s context sends a quick imagery signal to a customer’s mind as the word is mentioned. Then the imagery triggers a name to instantly be associated with it. That imagery signal comes in the form of a logo or...